Sunday, January 03, 2010

Thursday Three on a Sunday

The Sisterhood has presented a new challenge to members.

Re-think Your Shrink.

I have been really, really bad at shrinking lately. So, here I am, yet again, to start anew.

The rules:

  1. Write down 3 goals you have for yourself for this challenge. Be specific. Be realistic. Be positive. Make them “I will…” statements, not “I won’t…” statements. YOU MAY NOT USE THE WORD “TRY”!
  2. Track your goals. Make a sticker chart. Make a ticker for your blog. Use an app on your phone (I don’t have a fancy schmancy phone but I assume with all the apps out there that there’s GOT to be a goals app). Just find something that works for you and keep it up to date!
  3. Come up with a NON-FOOD reward for yourself when you hit your challenge goals. You can pick one small reward for each goal met. You can pick one big reward for completing all 3. You choose. Just don’t choose food.

It has taken me until now to really decide what I need to do.

These are not big goals. I am not ready for big goals yet, but, for better or worse, here they are:

  1. I will stop eating after seven PM. This means NO cleaning up the kid's leftovers, and NO munching on whatever I can get my hands on once the dishes are done. I plan to use the time-honoured techniques of chewing sugarless gum durning kitchen clean up and sipping tea on the couch during our evening TV time.
  2. I will complete the 30-Day Challenge on my new EA Sports Active game. I tend to start new workouts guns blazing, and then peter out to nothing. This time I will finish what I start.
  3. I will drink my water. I have been very bad about not getting enough water, and I know proper hydration can make weight loss much easier. I have been drinking far too much coffee and not enough water.
How will I track my goals? I have a calendar with big squares. I will mark off my non-snacking days and make a checkmark at the bottom of each square for each glass of water I drink. My workouts are tracked by the game itself.

My reward? If I can go two weeks without snacking, I will buy a new book to go with the series I am reading. I will redeem a massage Gift Certificate I got for Christmas at the end of the challenge.

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